Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
The Governing Body needs to take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the school and be accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and review, agree and monitor policies, targets and priorities. Governing Body meetings will be open to the public with minutes available except for Part II business. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or Acting Chair/Vice Chair will have a second or casting vote. The quorum for a meeting of the Full Governing Body is one half (rounded up to a whole number).
The Governing Body shall:
- Hold at least 6 meetings per year
- Appoint or remove the clerk
- Elect a Chair and Vice Chair
- Advise all parents of any parent governor vacancies, all staff of staff governor vacancies and to appoint co-opted governors
- Annually adopt the SEF
- Set dates of meetings for the year ahead
- Note term dates for the academic year and agree the occasional days
- Receive Head Teacher reports
- Review and monitor examination/national test results
- Review the level of exclusions
- Monitor attendance of pupils/staff/governors
- Review, adopt and monitor a Freedom of Information Policy
- Agree Curriculum plans
- Set pupil performance targets
- If required, consider the suspension of a governor
- Provide induction for new governors
- Encourage governors to visit school and to review, adopt and monitor a governors’ visit policy and feedback procedure
- Review, adopt and monitor the procedures for dealing with complaints from parents/carers
- Review, approve and monitor the School Improvement Plan
- Annually elect governors for the following responsibilities:- Curriculum, Equality, SEND, Looked After Children, Safeguarding and Health and Safety
- Ensure at least 2 governors are appointed and trained to complete the Executive Head Teacher’s Performance Management
- Maintain and update annually a file of pecuniary interest declarations
- Review, adopt and monitor a governors’ expenses policy and curriculum policy
- Review annually the delegation of functions and committee structure
- Organise support and training for governors
Membership – As per the Instrument of Government
Disqualification – as per Regulation 20 and Schedule 6 of the Constitution Regulations These terms of reference agreed by the Governing Body on : 1st September 2022